  1.  55
    The parental obligation to expand a child's range of open futures when making genetic trait selections for their child.Eric B. Schmidt - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (4):191–197.
    ABSTRACT As parents become increasingly able to make genetic trait selections on behalf of their children, they will need ethical guidance in deciding what genetic traits to select. Dena Davis has argued that parents act unethically if they make selections that constrain their child's range of futures. But some selections may expand the child's range of futures. And other selections may shift the child's range of futures, without either constraining or expanding that range. I contend that not only would parents (...)
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    Making someone child-sized forever? Ethical considerations in inhibiting the growth of a developmentally disabled child.Eric B. Schmidt - 2007 - Clinical Ethics 2 (1):46-49.
    In a recent case, parents of a profoundly developmentally disabled child asked physicians to use high-dose oestrogen to inhibit the growth of their child in the interests of allowing better care of her as she ages. The physicians asked whether such an intervention would be ethically acceptable. Such an intervention would seem to violate the rights of the child to bodily integrity and to normal growth, making the intervention ethically objectionable. But in this paper, I argue that in some rare (...)
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  3. Expanding the Child's Range of Open Futures: A Proposed Basis for the Ethical Assessment of Parental Genetic Trait Selections.Eric B. Schmidt - 2004 - Dissertation, University of Washington
    This dissertation considers the bases upon which ethical assessments of parental genetic trait selections for their children can be made. It argues that if parents engage in genetic trait selections, they must act to expand their child's range of open futures, not to constrict their child's range of open futures or to differentially shift their child's range of open futures. It contends that other proposed distinctions, including distinctions between normal and diseased states and between treatment selections and enhancement selections, do (...)
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